
Battle for the U.S.

📌 Battle for the U.S.

Fight against your fellow wasteof users to gain a chunk of the United States. Make alliances, wage war, and capture territory. Full rules here: https://wasteof.money/posts/6578e185a73a6704e9e6a065

Made by @oren

Also, check out @b4eu and @b4ca. They’re pretty cool too.

Dec 14, 2023, 8:36 PM
9 0 0

Ooh boy, there’s a lot going on in b4us today. You’ll see what I mean in today’s post.

Day 30

dertermenter has pulled out of Pennsylvania and put everything into attacking Alaska. He has almost as many troops as @-1 so the battle is pretty close. And supercash quickly captured the rest of Pennsylvania, leaving Chiroyce’s territory fragmented between Ohio, New Jersey, and New York.

Day 29

dertermenter has started invading Alaska today. Other than that, not much happened.

Day 28

radi8 is fighting @-1 for Oregon and Oren for Iowa. Both have launched a counterattack on all fronts. Supercash continues to push into New York and Pennsylvania while dertermenter takes Hawaii. And k10398 has filled up California.

Day 27

Today, radi8 has taken a lot of Oregon, and it’s split pretty much evenly between @-1 and radi8. Also, dertermenter has started capturing Hawaii. rsrider is still capturing Wisconsin, and supercash is still attacking Pennsylvania and New York.

Day 26

radi8 is now the 3rd person to get a region, boosting them to 3rd on the leaderboard. They traded Oregon for Colorado with k10398. In other news, supercash is attacking still attacking Pennsylvania and New York. He has captured large sections of both and is still going. Dertermenter and Chiroyce aren’t fazed and continue attacking Ohio. They’re fighting an uphill battle, though, as 8bit has 200000 extra troops. And last but not least, Oren is trying to cut off radi8’s section of Iowa, so it’ll be easier to capture. We’ll see how it works out.

Day 25

Sorry, no time to write today.

Day 24

A lot of land is reopened now. 8bit pulled out of Kentucky (and got 240000 troops) and Kentucky was quickly taken by supercash and Oren. @-1 is now attacking k10398 in Washington and California. rsrider has pulled out of Iowa to attack Wisconsin. And silly is being attacked by mrowlsss.

Also, moment of silence for mybearworld. They’re almost wiped out. (Yes, I know their numbers are wrong. Apparently the method I use to count adds 10 to each player.)

Also, here’s another map for y’all. It shows the alliances (colored by the highest player in them):

Day 23

@-1 has pulled out of all territory except Alaska, leaving a ton of space on the west coast and gaining 172000 troops. Bro is armed and dangerous.

Also, we have more wars. rsrider is now fighting on 3 fronts, being attacked by radi8 from the west and south and now invading Wisconsin. And we have supercash being attacked by mrowlsss from Georgia. And almost all of mybearworld’s territory has been taken.

Also, I’m going to fix the numbers tomorrow. They’re a little off (mostly accurate though)

Day 22

Wars are breaking out everywhere. radi8 is attacking mybearworld’s lone county in Utah and rsrider’s territory in North Dakota. supercash is invading New York and Connecticut. k10398 is hammering mybearworld in Nevada and now in California. Oren is now invading Iowa. Chiroyce and dertermenter are battling for Ohio. And silly’s war with supercash over 1 county in Tennessee is still rolling.

Also, the map is completely full now, so unless someone gets removed for inactivity (a possibility) it’s only wars from now on. So, in case anyone wants to free up space or wants a troop bonus, I’m offering this: For every county you pull out of, you get an extra 2000 troops. You have to actually leave the county on your own accord (it doesn’t count if you’re forced out).

Day 21

Chiroyce is fighting 8bit to take Ohio. 8bit has traded WV for Michigan and Indiana. We also have Iowa being split three ways between Oren, radi8, and rsrider (who has 2 extra counties by the way @rsrider). @mybearworld is being attacked in Nevada, by k10398. And, Georgia is carved up between @mrowlsss, silly, and supercash.

Sorry, the numbers above aren’t perfect. I will update them tomorrow to be accurate.

Day 20

The map is almost full. Only a few pockets (in Iowa, Michigan, Mississippi, Missouri, and Georgia) are unclaimed. Oren will fill up Missouri tomorrow, and Iowa is quickly being split between radi8, rsrider, and Oren.

In other news, k10398 starts attacking mybearworld’s territory in Nevada. k10398 has almost 4x as many troops and an alliance with radi8 (who also borders mybearworld), so it should be an easy fight.

Day 19

Today silly and supercash are still battling. Their difference in troops is only ~5.5k, and supercash has fortified his counties. Also, @qazoxdev and has been removed due to inactivity (qazoxdev, If you want to rejoin, I’ll give you your territory back). This frees up Mississippi, and almost anyone can start capturing it because it is on the coast.

Day 18

Sorry, no time to write. Big news is silly starts fighting supercash.

Day 17

Supercash is quickly cleaning up the east coast, starting to capture Virginia. It’ll be a while, though, as Virginia has 95 counties and 38 independent cities, which count as counties for this game.

In other news, Oren makes a deal with 8bit, trading help in capturing Illinois for 2 counties in Missouri and giving 1 county in Tennessee to silly. Silly now fully owns Tennessee except for 3 counties which are held by supercash.

k10398 and radi8 also form an alliance, with k10398 giving radi8 some counties in Utah. At the same time, k10398 pushes forwards in Arizona and starts to capture Washington. This means that every state now has at least 1 claimed county in it (Indiana has the least, with only 1).