
I post cool dog facts daily a 6:00 AM Mountain Standard Time
A dog's average body temperature is 101.2 degrees.

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The border collie or sheep dog is often considered to be the most intelligent breed of dog some of them have been trained to recognize the words for up to 1,000 objects and retrieved them by verbal command.

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All dogs can be traced back 40 million years ago to a weasel-like animal called the Miacis which dwelled in trees and dens. The Miacis later evolved into the Tomarctus, a direct forbear of the genus Canis, which includes the wolf and jackal as well as the dog.

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Greyhounds appear to be the most ancient dog breed. "Greyhound" comes from a mistake in translating the early German name Greishund, which means "old (or ancient) dog," not from the color gray.

As an extra, here's a cool little doggo.

The average lifespan of a dog is 10-13 years.

As an extra, here's a cool little doggo.

Big happy "helicopter" tail wagging is one sign of a really nice dog

As an extra, here's a cool little doggo.

When dogs copulate, it is very normal for them to get stuck together and it may last for up to 45 minutes.

As an extra, here's a cool little doggo.

Pregnancy can be prevented by spaying the female dog, this involves removing both the ovaries and the uterus.

As an extra, here's a cool little doggo.

A dog's nose is made up of about 220 million scent receptors, while a human's nose has about 5 million.

As an extra, here's a cool little doggo.

A dog's sense of smell is so powerful that they can detect a drop of blood in a large swimming pool.

As an extra, here's a cool little doggo.

There are 703 breeds of purebred dogs.

As an extra, here's a cool little doggo.

Dogs can count up to five and can perform simple mathematical calculations.

As an extra, here's a cool little doggo.

The Saint Bernard gains its name from the "Great St. Bernard Hospice;" the monastery where Barry and other mountain dogs was raised by monks to rescue victims from the snowy Alps.

As an extra, here's a cool little doggo.

Dog nose prints are as unique as human finger prints and can be used to identify them.

As an extra, here's a cool little doggo.

The most popular male dog name is Max, while the most popular female dog name is Bella.

As an extra, here's a cool little doggo.