The world's largest dog was a Great Dane named Zorba, who weighed 343 pounds.
Dogs can see in color, though they most likely see colors similar to a color-blind human. They can see better when the light is low.
The St. Bernard is the heaviest dog breed.
Dogs normally have between one to sixteen or even more puppies.
Dogs can use their sense of smell to gauge our emotions, they can smell fear, anxiety, even sadness. This is because they can smell hormones such as adrenaline.
Dogs don't enjoy being hugged as much as humans and other primates. Canines interpret putting a limb over another animal as a sign of dominance.
An African wolf dog known as the Basenji is the only dog in the world that cannot bark.
Dogs are capable of understanding up to 250 words and gestures, can count up to five and can perform simple mathematical calculations. The average dog is as intelligent as a two-year-old child.
Many foot disorders in dogs are simply an issue of too-long toenails.
Irish Wolfhounds, the tallest breed, are 30 to 35 inches tall.
The ancient religion Zoroastrianism includes in its religious text titled the Zend Avesta a section devoted to the care and breeding of dogs.
President Calvin Coolidge owned at least a dozen dogs.
Dogs are all direct descendants of wolves.
The tallest living dog is a Great Dane named Zeus, who measured 44 inches at the shoulder.
Dogs do dream! Dogs and humans have the same type of slow wave sleep (SWS) and rapid eye movement (REM) and during this REM stage dogs can dream. The twitching and paw movements that occur during their sleep are signs that your pet is dreaming