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I post cool dog facts daily a 6:00 AM Mountain Standard Time
Dogs cannot distinguish between red and green as these colors would appear as shades of grey to a dog.

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Only dogs and humans have prostates.

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More than 5,000,000 puppies are born in the U.S. every year.

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There are nearly 14,000 animal shelters and rescue groups across North America.

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Dogs can be trained to detect cancer in humans.

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In addition to "formal" forms of dog training (operant conditioning, reinforcement, or classical conditioning), dogs are able to learn merely from observation.

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Dogs have twice as many muscles to move their ears as people.

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The current world record for a Flyball race is 14.413 seconds, set by the team "Touch N Go" of Las Vegas.

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President Theodore Roosevelt's Bull Terrier Pete ripped the pants off French Ambassador Jules Jusserand.

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Seeing eye dogs pee and poo on command so that their owners can clean up after them. (The command is usually "Get busy!" and pups will pace back and forth until they do their business.) Male dogs are also trained to do their business without lifting their leg.

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Dogs can smell about 1,000 times better than humans. While humans have 5 million smell-detecting cells, dogs have more than 220 million. The part of the brain that interprets smell is also four times larger in dogs than in humans.

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Baks the blind boxer has a seeing eye goose named Buttons. Buttons the four-year-old goose leads her pup around everywhere either by hanging onto him with her neck, or by honking to tell him which way to go.

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According to a study shared by Cornell University, dogs were domesticated between 9,000 and 34,000 years ago.

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Puppies sleep 90% of the day for their first few weeks.

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The most dogs ever owned by one person were 5,000 Mastiffs owned by Kublai Khan.

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