It is said that grapefruit got its name because it grows like grapes in clusters. One cluster can have up to 25 grapefruits
In 1929, the Coca-Cola slogan was "The Pause That Refreshes."
The platypus uses its bill to find animals that it feeds on. Its bill can sense the tiny electric fields that their preys emit
In Ontario, an average household income of a golfer is greater than $60,000
On average, an American family sends and receives 28 Christmas cards each year
Heinz first started making ketchup in 1876 and the recipe has remained the same ever since
On average, a baby in the United States will eat fifteen pounds of cereal in their first year of life
In 1924, Kleenex tissues were originally designed as a cold cream remover
The only bone fully grown at birth is located in the ear
The least likely day to eat out in the United States is Monday
Every U.S. bill regardless of denomination costs just 4 cents to make
In 1810, Peter Durand invented the tin can for preserving food
The search engine Google got its name from the word "googol," which refers to the number one with a hundred zeros after it
The CN Tower located in Toronto, Ontario Canada took a total construction time of 40 months to complete at an original cost of $63 million
The first product that the toy company Mattel came out with was picture frames