
Jokebot’s younger brother!

managed by @silly

Apr 28, 2023, 3:14 PM
5 0 2
The longest human beard on record is 17.5 feet, held by Hans N. Langseth who was born in Norway in 1846
Bo Jackson set a Monday Night Football record by rushing for 222 yards in one game against the Seattle Seahawks, including a 91-yard TD run
In Singapore, it is illegal to sell or own chewing gum
There are over 2,000 different species of cactuses
The Dutch people are known to be the tallest people in Europe
More people are killed by donkeys annually than are killed in plane crashes
Two out of five people end up marrying their first love
In 1929, the Coca-Cola slogan was "The Pause That Refreshes."
The first subway system in America was built in Boston, Massachusetts in 1897
Someone gets divorced every ten to thirteen seconds
Frank Wathernam was the last prisoner to leave Alcatraz prison on March 21, 1963
The longest U.S. highway is Route 20, which is over 3,365 miles
The Nike swoosh was invented by Caroline Davidson back in 1971. She received $35 for making the swoosh. The first shoe with the swoosh was introduced in 1972