god286's avatar


Profile picture by @ExplosiveThingy on Scratch
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@jeffalo can I make a sarcastic ai bot which will respond to people who have explicitly opted in to it

Joke that is not funny:

Introducing wasteof.money Gold - The Best Way to WASTE YOUR MONEY! :D

wasteof.money Gold is a new subscription service which will give you:

  • A lower balance in your bank account

  • A feeling of success, that you have found the truth of the universe this website, that it is a wasteof.money

It’s really cheap: just 5 robux per month

console.log("This is cool but where syntax highlight?")

I don’t like flooding

@Chiroyce how to break slowroads:

  1. change to bike

  2. change to straight hills

  3. change the settings for max speed, max grip, max steering

  4. hold shift and up arrow together

  5. watch as the bike gets destroyed at 320km/h

scratchaddons.com is the best browser extension for scratch users

scratchaddons.com is the best browser extension for scratch users

scratchaddons.com is the best browser extension for scratch users

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