

i’m just your average internet user.

find me at “https://twitter.com/gryffin”, “https://www.youtube.com/@g.r.yf.f.i.n“, or .gryffin.” on discord.

Apr 5, 2022, 11:40 PM
2 0 2

new j cole dropped 

i'm deleting my account haha april fool

happy easter to all that celebrate btw

smoke some drink some pop one

we're on an ultralight beam

i can confirm, he was talking about this in @skylar's twitch chat

Went to the flight 93 memorial today. Crazy to see how willing they were to make that sacrifice. o7

mfw my house starts leaking water and no power for 24 hours

Hello World!

Sent from my iPhone

Attention all iOS users!

The moment you’ve all been waiting for: Beta-test the wasteof iOS app!

Follow the instructions at this link: https://testflight.apple.com/join/8oJmotXd

i was biking with 2 of my friends and we stopped near a farm to wait for some other friends to show up. we were messing around with some rocks and sticks on the ground while we were waiting and some guys show up and tell us to get away or they would shoot us. there were no private property signs and we didn’t cause any damage to their land. god bless america.

tldr almost got shot today

skepta is such a good artist but his accent throws me off so much lmao

wasteof is turning into another twitter

@jeffalo can i be your marketing manager

>be me

>argue with my mom

>make a valid point

>mom: stfu i’m right you’re wrong
