
Ok actually what is a ratio what does it mean I am so confused at this website because I can't scroll for 5 minutes without a ratio

Working on a statistics project for my math class rn. If you could quickly tell me how many people live in your house, that would be great.

8 hours ago
9 0 22

LOLLL just got an ad for this productivity and workflow organizing software.

What was it called? MOTION LMAOOOOOOO

Paid Web Dev Work

I need a website for my new movie!

But I don’t have time to build it myself!

I need it within like a week, and I can pay a few hundred bucks.

Comment here or email [email protected] if you have any interest, and we can talk details.

Thanks much

Found someone. Thanks!

8 1 2

We are now part of the four army. Exterminate anything with the number 5 in it

7 0 10

As a person who only plays auto scrollers, I see this as an absolute win

Lol i walked into AP Computer Science to see my keyboard like this:

3 days ago
11 0 1

That one song I know how to play on a piano 💃💃💃🎵🎵🎵 On loop 4L

There’s something really satisfying about being able to play music on an instrument almost perfectly. Effort well spent.

Went to the dentist… And because I have braces, my dentist recommended an electric tooth brush. Oh ok, that makes sense. My mom asks “What kind would you recommend”. The dentist says “Oh definitely Oral B, they cost like £300 but you can sometimes find a good discount on them”.


I swear bro owns some stock 😭😭😭

Glad his wishes came true

a new week, a new post about how wasteof needs an official discord server.

I hit 100 followers! 🥳🥳

On Twitter 😐

Where I don’t post at all 😦

And all of my followers are bots 🙁


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Aug 26, 2024, 10:03 PM
26 11 22

I mean… he’s got the spirit?

yes men should get paid more its called foot”ball” for a reason and most women do not have balls :)

holy crap how is this on week

The fact that the equal pay debate in football between men and women still exists is something I can’t get my head around. It’s such simple logic that men should earn more as they make way more. The debate is embarrassing.

Aug 25, 2024, 8:44 PM
13 1 2

What probably should be made aware of is the actual problems in society. Like women being treated unfairly in the workplace, and being underpaid ect ect. We shouldn’t feel sorry for women athletes who are millionaires 😂😂The average WNBA salary is just over $100,000. And that’s the average joe, that’s not mentioning the giants like serena Williams, who have mountains of cash. There may be other problems that need to come to light in the women’s sports industry, but being underpaid is not one of them, and it a waste of time in my opinion.

The fact that the equal pay debate in football between men and women still exists is something I can’t get my head around. It’s such simple logic that men should earn more as they make way more. The debate is embarrassing.

Aug 25, 2024, 2:30 PM
9 0 8

Wing feather saga clears easily imo

By the way, Wings of Fire is a great book series

Something I will never not obsess over the concept of is dragons. I mean like, giant beasts in the sky that can fly and potentially be tamed? I'd love that.

Question: Would you want there to be cameras… everywhere? Excluding peoples houses, cameras would be everywhere, every alley. IR. 4K. fantastic quality. This would obviously be super cool cause it would lower crime by a ton. There is already very little crime in cities with camera’s everywhere. But are the downsides not worth it?

When is your mom gonna join wasteof

Lol my mom’s laughing at this one 🤣

the real reason is jeffalo wanted you to experience what it felt like to have dial up internet

also yes, wasteof (and everything else i host) is currently slow for everyone, for some reason past my modem there’s 50%+ packet loss to the internet. it could be up to a week before we see any improvement.