
Joe Biden.

you deserve hell

ranch on pizza is good if the pizza is more basic, for example a cheese pizza

ranch is so much better as a condiment than as an actual salad dressing, change my mind

best salad dressings are Italian and raspberry vinaigrette ong

chicken and ranch dressing absolutely slaps i don’t care if y’all lynch me for it

Dec 12, 2022, 12:39 PM
0 1 2

I will give everyone here a half eaten slice of white untoasted unbuttered bread

Make sure to follow @wynd on wasteof.money!


January is officially straight white male appreciation month!

and ur name is Oren so who’s the real loser here

Hot take: Drake is an awful rapper and is so overrated

square up bruh imma fight you

One thing that Elon did to twitter that I love is you can now browse while logged out now. In the past, it would force you to login after viewing like 3 tweets. Now you can just look around without it being so annoying

just kidding he sucks

shoutout to @rando gotta be my favorite user on here go follow him

shoutout to @rando gotta be my favorite user on here go follow him

Trump believes Biden stole the election. Biden believes Trump stole his heart.

@joebiden wrote the beginning to a biden x trump romcon fanfiction

(I wish I was joking)

“ayy @jeffalo congrats on 600 followers that’s insane”

ayyy @jeffalo congrats on 600 followers that’s insane


now idk who this “joe biden” fella is but i’m not so sure about him

heyyyy wasteofmoney what are your thoughts on the united states 2022 midterms - joe biden

this site should make paid checkmarks like twitter


fake cool to real cool translator

  • real > so true bestie

  • based > slay


where’s joe biden when you need him