
Joe Biden.

Make sure to answer!

whats yall favorite weird drake song

lowkey miss the wild political opinions

wasteofs getting boring. can we start shitting ourselves in our math exams again

@wynd my homie ong, frfr, no cap, the for real rizzler

bite people

you guys should listen to sam the samba man by the rah band

Nuff said.

Rizz = Charisma

Skibidi Rizz = Skibidi Charisma


Skibidi Strength

Skibidi Dexterity

Skibidi Constitution

Skibidi Wisdom

and Skibidi Intelligence

Oct 25, 2023, 12:56 PM
5 1 0

today, a savior has risen.

his name is @joebiden.

drain gangggggggggg

They Tried To Block Me From Ad Blocking On YouTube But I Told Them I Don’t FW That … Guess Who Got No Ads On YouTube !

Skribbo daph korggle snag “Armadillo” kibbo dorf “Penguin” scrabbo “Crab”!! Bleeble flabbo dorp skobble squig “Minecraft Mob Vote” dibbo borp scrobble shnak!

Skibble “Team Crab” crabble dorf scobble torf kog!! <3

@wynd is a psycho, be warned

@esben is a psychic, be warned

Oct 4, 2023, 10:44 AM
10 1 7

ekmand mad sus

if my social media algorithms kept suggesting linkedin related videos to me i would be so pissed like what the hell did i do to deserve this

every time I see a video about the corporate dumpster party that is linkedin I am filled with a combination of rage and disappointment

Honestly @oren should be banned. I think we all agree that his political positions should be barred from a website like this

its been hours since the last flamewar what controversial thing should be said