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the oldest person on wasteof dot money (

Super Fighter Re:Tournament finally has a demo -

this is the new best fighting game on scratch, pls give it a try

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my parents moved the wifi router in my house to a different room and now the only websites i can get on are google, wikipedia, and waste of money

i can’t even log into the router bros is it over


holy moly how long have we been able to pin a waste to our profile is better than wetransfer

Super Fighter Re:Tournament finally has a demo -

this is the new best fighting game on scratch, pls give it a try

Super Fighter Re:Tournament finally has a demo -

this is the new best fighting game on scratch, pls give it a try

going to japan tomorrow what should i do while i’m there

one must imagine the boulder happy

shoutout to simpleflips

played splatoon for the first time in 3 weeks, turns out it's still fun with friends. just not on your own

new splatoon season soon! i haven't played it all month, maybe i just enjoy smb wonder more?

new splatoon season soon! i haven't played it all month, maybe i just enjoy smb wonder more?

they weren’t lyin, those super mario bros can wonder

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