so if you click the … button on posts it shows an option to report. basically this is a direct link with the mods to send them a post with a reason to remove it. that's how i did it

also fyi it's not so i can “do what i want on here”. i’d definitely want action taken against me if i violated the rules, because i’d be equal with everyone else.

Took my time to actually reply so I don't accidentally say something stupid. Coolkat (I think that's their name) asked how can you get something taken down even when no mods are online, you're yet to answer that. And one more thing even if you only report the posts, the mods are more likely to listen to you, because it's you.

they didn't answer that in vicinity of me, i didn't get a notification for it. i believe mods can hide their online status, so that's why. also, how do you know you have every mod?

sure, maybe, because i create legitimate reports on a lot of platforms, i do the same on, so maybe the mods recognise me as someone who makes a lot of legitimate reports

I was just basing my claim on what he said. I still don't believe you're innocent but there's no point in trying to reason with you

“i’m innocent” as if i did anything at all

also that’s huge projection on your part. look inward

ask* sorry i’m out of sorts today and didn’t catch that while proofreading

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