
nerd + beta tester + diminishposting + transgender (she/it, no they/them) + blåhaj enthusiast + chronical fed hater + therian θΔ + gnustep enjoyer + plural system + owl house brainrot haver

📌 pinned post time~! :3

hiiii! my name is lily, i'm a trans girl (paragirl therian enby thing?), i enjoy playing these games:

  • geometry dash

  • celeste

  • counter strike

  • half-life

  • garry's mod

i can also programme in these languages:

  • rust

  • c

  • java

  • typescript

  • scr*tch (censored cause cringe)

  • some more probably

more facts about me

  • i am pan

  • i like blåhaj

  • i like estrogen

  • i enjoy making me being trans my entire personality to pwn the transphobes

  • if i'm not doing that i'm probably exploiting some rare device from the early 00s

  • i have youtube

  • you can find a non exhaustive list of my shit along with some more information at https://tauon.dev

Jan 7, 2023, 10:28 PM
12 1 49

oh no they do for about a month until they realise

Gay men usually have a lot of women friends, but lesbians rarely have a lot of straight male friends.

girl dinner (one taki on a large plate)

one thing i love about rust is that error handling can either Totally Suck or Totally Rule

i just wanted to remind everyone that boys can cry too !!! letting out your feelings is good for you !!!

panics the universe cause this happens once every tick and your age quickly exceeds the size of a u64

if (date == “Oct 11” && date != prevdate) {
  theglasspenguin.age = theglasspenguin.age + 1
prevdate = date
Oct 11, 2023, 2:10 PM
11 1 14

i like nostomaniamc

let f="";const j=["ZnJvbUNoYXJDb2Rl","cGlzcw==","PQ==","Y2hhckNvZGVBdA==","dG9Mb3dlckNhc2U="];for(let c of[[116,0],["aA",1],["r",2],["a",2],["IA",1],["v",2],[32,0],["dw",1],["bw",1],["h",2],["bA",1],["ZA",1],[32,0],[103,0],["v",2],["i",2],["ZQ",1],[32,0],[121,0],[111,0],["h",2],[32,0],["bw",1],["o",2],["Zg",1],[117,0],["cw",1],["Yw",1],[97,0],[116,0],["ZQ",1],[100,0],[32,0],[106,0],["n",2],["i",2],["YQ",1],["f",2],["p",2],["cg",1],["v",2],["cA",1],["g",2],[32,0],["n",2],["f",2],[32,0],["g",2],[104,0],["n",2],["dA",1],["Jw",1],["cw",1],["-",2],["u",2],["bw",1],["j",2],["-",2],["b",2],[116,0],["aA",1],["r",2],["e",2],[115,0],["-",2],["/",2],[99,0],["bw",1],["ZA",1],["r",2],[32,0],["h",2],["bg",1],[116,0],["bw",1],["-",2],[109,0],[101,0],[34,0]])switch(mode=c[1]){case 0:f+=String[atob(j[0])](c[0]);break;case 1:f+=atob(c[0]+atob(j[2])+atob(j[2]));break;case 2:f+=String[atob(j[0])](c[0][atob(j[3])](0)+("m">=c[0][atob(j[4])]()?13:-13));break;default:throw(atob(j[1]))} // :3

code unto others as you would have others code unto you

tfw jeffalo silently ratios you

imagine if

It’s almost impressive how Patreon has consistently been able to make their branding more and more generic, abstract and lacking in personality with each rebrand lmao

it's weird to see posts that begin with a capital letter that are written by me

if i stream melon racer would you guys watch?

i saw this post in real time

first post from wasteof4?

wasteof 4 leak

this is either the second or third ever post on wasteof.money





