
The lobotomy worked I'm now missing half my brain

bro shes not even advocating for anything shes just making an objectively correct weed statement are those illegal now

legalize objectively correct weed statements

new reason girls are better than boys just dropped: only girl weed gets you high, boy weed just smells and also makes your girl weed bad

2 days ago
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“What if, theoretically, I beat you with a cinder block, and then, hypothetically, stuffed you in a trash bag and dumped you into the ocean”

-Ben Shapiro

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Should probably point out that that new “dirtbike” account that acts super manly and christian is just gamerlogan trolling

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You think if you gave a dinosaur a nintendo DS it’d figure it out eventually? Would they pass it down between generations until one of them figures it out? I’d watch a let’s play of a velociraptor playing yoshi’s island.

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