Special having windows 11!

I have a 10 year old laptop that can only run win10.

Do you think I could have the .blend file for that so I could experiment. (I’m not very good with blender)

Also, jeffalo said he was making an API docs for WOM3.

I can for sure get you the blendfile! Give me just a bit and I'll comment the link on your wall. Where did he say he's making docs? I'd love to see that!

I don’t know. He just said he was making it

You know how I said I was making a wsteof cli client? I am making it in python and don’t know what the endpoints are for wasteful. :P

Well you're welcome to look at my wasteof.mobile client if you’d like to have a good example of how to implement most endpoints!

Okay thanks!

Someone made a node package that lets you make a wasteof client.


It is pretty cool.

That was made by @ee actually! I’ve seen it before.

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