when ya come back online , i’m 90% i’m overreacting about everything it’s just a lot (not that you aren’t an amazing friend dwdw) i just hate hate hate being ignored ESPECIALLY when someone used to respond to everything i’d say which has happened so much, esp lately that I’m going a little insane! so

i’m at that horrible in between super busy place where i’m SUPER BUSY and STRESSED but i have like two minutes of freetime and sometjing stupidll take up all my thought during that time :///

im sorry i swear i read everything you say i just dont know how to respond to all of it im sorry

NOT YOU you at least respond to some of it and even so i love you so much i could never be mad a t you probably dw i

can confirm to the overreacting part i talked to him in gwdfi today and he seemed fairly pleasant so

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