
Supreme Lord Magic Duck Wizard is: 15 years old. Male, and straight, but does not hate against any peoples for any reasons.

my posts don’t just waste money, they waste time.

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my opinion on school is to drop it like its hot

shim slady is not back again, he is gone again

oh boy, I live in the US


I’m up to some shenanigans

All my S. P. E. C. I. A. L. skills have been maxed out irl

happy by Pharrell williams is a banger

my bus was late this morning

you can make ethanol at home

I drank holy water…

Beat the time,

Heart to beat,

Figure possibilities.

It also gets you a pair of free silver bracelets! (handcuffs)

an apple a day does not keep the doctor away. Throwing them at them does.

an apple a day does not keep the doctor away. Throwing them at them does.