
Supreme Lord Magic Duck Wizard is: 15 years old. Male, and straight, but does not hate against any peoples for any reasons.


“My momma always said that life was like a box of chocolates, you never know what you’re gonna get” -Forrest Gump

Sep 29, 2023, 4:17 PM
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this girl in my history class I like kept asking me to homecoming, idk if she was serious or messing with me, but i’m going camping this week, so I ain’t going to homecoming anyway

Don't you just hate when your shower walks to the tub in france from uranus all the way from chickens crossing the roads while you eat dino nuggies from birds in a tornado and then you look in the mirror and then you walk out of a window out of a corner and then you fall down and see yourself in the sun but the sun walks to the bottom of the earth and then you laugh making your kool-aid squirt out of your nose??...Yeah me too.

Look, Perry the Platypus, I’ve done it! Behold the Dr. Doofenschmirtz Meth Lab-I-Nator!

Dr. Doofenschmirtz Inc.

Sep 14, 2023, 1:53 PM
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I just feel the need to write a few songs in English class instead of the writing assessment.

Sub-Zero vs. Scorpion:

Who’s better? Answer in the comments, and you can choose a different character if you want.

In English class blasting music in my ears because I don’t want to deal with other people rn.

Has anyone else ever imagined if the school pulled the fire alarm because there was a fire, but it was fire drill day and the firefighters didn’t come.

Turn into a plant, and scare the hell out of anyone who walks by.

there are so many things you could do if you were a shapeshifter

  • be a crow and scare the crap out of people with omens or nonsensical prophecies (because crows are able to talk)

  • cause drama by appearing to be someone else

  • be a seagull and poop on bad people

  • make people even more scared of the ocean by making sea monsters real

  • be a stray cat and if someone adopts you turn back into a human immediately after they say something embarrassing that someone would only say to their cat

  • be a raccoon or a monkey and steal things

  • be a creepy thing in the woods

  • be a dragon and dramatically sit atop a mountain

  • impersonate political or religious figures

  • be absolutely done with civilization and hibernate for a whole season

  • be an exact copy of someone’s pet and see their owner’s reaction

  • pee anywhere as long as nobody sees that you’re actually a human (probably just for emergencies tho)

  • scream into the night without risk of getting the cops called on you because you can sound like a monster

  • have a really really good cosplay as any creature from anything ever

  • be a valstrax (really cool dragon from MH with jet engines for wings)

Aug 29, 2023, 1:52 AM
11 2 0

Guys, the only good painter is Bob Ross. Every other painter sucks. Picasso’s paintings look like “happy accidents”.

Tip of the day:

Stick a pipe bomb in the tailpipe of a bus.

It’s a joke, don’t blow up my comments

Aug 23, 2023, 4:52 PM
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Whats the server ip?

Hi everyone, i’m back.

Me during school:

Teacher explaining secrets of the universe.

My brain: How much does a demilitarized tank cost? How much wood could a wood chuck chuck if a wood chuck could chuck wood? Why am I still here? What class is this?

Me: Oh damn, I’m in the wrong class.