
Yea thats awesome

Now I need to figure out how

it’s only coming when v2 is officially released.

For now I’ll figure something out sketchilly

Code to log into a bundle account. Will return false if the user is not authorised, otherwise will return the account token of the user.

function bundleLogin() {
    let __Bundle__username = prompt("Bundle username...");
    if(__Bundle__username == null) return false;
    let __Bundle__password = prompt("Bundle password...");
    if(__Bundle__password == null) return false;

    postData('', { username: __Bundle__username, password: __Bundle__password })
    .then(data => {
        __Bundle__username = "";
        __Bundle__password = "";
        if (data.success) {
            return data.token;
            return false;

by the way the api link is temporary, it will be changed as soon as i get my server*

Yeah, what are you thinking the new domain will be?

honestly idk

It’d probably be a good idea to figure that out

In python i could just do this but idk why

import requests
username = input('Username:')
password = input('Password')
req = requests.get('', json={'username': username, 'password': password})
if error in req.text:
   token = (req.text).get('token')
   print('Logged in.')

I think

oh also the token var should actaully be:

token = ((req.ext).ast.literal_eval).get('token')

Thank you so much! :)

When you see someone online

When the imposter is sus

I can't join

Click the join button, open console and send screenshot

nothing in console but here is screenshot

that is after like ten minutes

meet me in /chat. 5 minutes.

school blocks it

yeah I know my school has goguardian and they block the keyword “chat“

i’ll see if i can proxy it


Ah why did you ask where I live

i know a person named caleb that likes the bobcats in mt

oh bobcats used to be my favorite animal and my birthday is july 1st (0701) so when I created my scratch account the username was bobcat0701

Oh okay! Cool. also I noticed the yellow and blue colors from the team.

That’s the Ukrainian flag

yeah also the bobcat color though

are you biased?

no. I use default light mode to be non-biased