
Wasteof news daily! Stay on top of the small community. Post story suggestions on the wall.

Welcome to the wasteof news homepage! Here, we will be posting news about wasteof.money daily! Stories can be posted throughout the day, so be sure to share all the things that occurs in our wall in case we miss it.

We will attempt to follow as many accounts as possible to keep completely up-to-date on all the goings on. At 10pm daily we will post a large story that summarizes the day on wasteof.

Have a nice day!

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Hello, wasteof.money.

I remember the days I would frequent this website. Procrastinating my work to talk with numerous strangers, ingraining myself in a random community. It was a place that felt homely for a short while. And then it felt shallow.

That’s the interesting part of an online relationship. Whether with an individual or with a community, it is shallow. The magic of human interaction is humanity, and a screen cannot create humanity.

I used this place, and my numerous accounts, to express myself during a time when I, and many others, felt suppressed. A time where the exigence of the world situation far outweighed any conceivable insight, idea, or feeling you may have. It was the ability to share with a community that noticed you, even slightly, that made the site feel homely.

But anything regular will eventually fall into normalcy. That’s where it became shallow.

That’s where the veil was lifted. It was, truly, a coping mechanism. Most posts are a way to share your thoughts with people who just might care, even if you don’t know them. To share what you would normally suppress. To feel noticed, and realized. As much as anyone wouldn’t want to admit it, it’s what you want. Introverted, extroverted, even psychopathic, being realized is as much a human need as food and water.

A social network lets you place a bag over your head, form your words into ideas, and teach people your mind through language. It lets you hide, yet still be seen. It lets you choose what you show.

And thus, it fails to replicate humanity.

A face-to-face conversation displays you in totality. Something which may make some feel uncomfortable. Anxious. Despite the bad feelings which may be associated with these interactions, it creates one important thing: vulnerability. On the internet, it is the lack of vulnerability that creates toxicity. The lack of vulnerability that creates anonymity that creates hatred.

But again, nobody wants to feel vulnerable. Nobody wants everything to be seen. Regardless, you need it. As much of a need that being realized is, so is the vulnerability that comes with it. The world of social networks completely destroys this.

Social media got people through hard times.

Social media helped people find friends.

Social media changes people.

Social media has done all those things for me. It has done all those things to others. And it will continue to do those things for the rest of time. Social media will teach people. Change people. Kill people. Social media has an incredible amount of power. I believe that a lack of vulnerability is the reason for this power. The reason we give it power. We cannot find the cracks in the people on social media to make it any less powerful than it is.

When you really think about it, social media ignores the two most important things: the exigence of reality, and the truthfulness of humanity.

Hello, wasteof.money. And goodbye once again.

what happened while i was passed out please help i need to make a post

The Tuesday Post

Every week getting farther from Sunday, huh? Looks like everyone couldn’t hold back this week, bit of a violent one. As a reporter, that makes me rather happy. Let’s get straight into it:

  • LOTS of conflicts about some really spicy topics, specifically gender and sexual identity.

  • Wasteof had a very active week due to these controversies, with many trying to quell them.

  • @lily and @oren were in direct conflict due to a series of responses to @dertermenter ’s post.

  • Things finally brimmed over the edge when @froggy posted “people should sleep with socks on”. This led to the further outrage explained above. While I try to stay non-partisan, such a vigorous opinion was truly uncalled for. There was no right for @froggy to say such disturbing things, without as much of a trigger warning.

  • Jokes aside, I believe most of the spiciness really started in the first item of my Spicy Post, linked below: https://wasteof.money/posts/641dd1755d2331074e548f16

Quite the peppery week, a good time to build your spice tolerance.

Top PostsSpecial Shoutouts

Thank you all for reading.

oops its thursday ill post tonight i pwomise

edit: sorry its tuesday im a little dumb

Mar 28, 2023, 4:10 PM
15 0 2
The Spicy Post:

It seems people are getting a little thrown off their rocker… let’s report on it!

  • @gilbert189 made a particularly spicy post about transgender individuals and his confusion on the topic. This has lead to a large amount of reposts on comments stemming from this first post.

  • Beyond basic antagonism for posting this kind of a post, @sivyx responded with a request for further hot takes. If you’d like the rundown:

    1. @lily hates straight and white people

    2. @mef believes that people need to get over the ever-consuming void and just live

    3. @shaftgoblin believes @sivyx does not wash their hands

  • Before the wildfire spread, there was a bit of a chain between @mef and @oren about preventing windows 7 from being abolished by the powers that be.

  • @rando went outside today. not recommended

That’s all for the spicy post. Keep making spicy posts to be featured on the next spicy post.

Thank you @shaftgoblin for the idea.

Thank you all for reading.

I do som for t? j waST! sober up.

burrito are you ok

@daily_news this is a juicy story!

to poplar blefg grief


im not four (4) years (yearas) old thankyou to popular (5) belief

anyone egevr had a meat bargel its a bagle of grnoud bef

One more shoutout:


Thank you.

Aha! I’ve thrown you all for a loop!

The Monday Post
  • @radi8 is the second wasteof user to have an animated banner

  • @orne had a shocking statement, two words that shook the na- website: ‘trans rights’

  • hi im back

  • Jeffalo is a MORNING SHOWERER

  • @yippymishy is a NIGHT SHOWERER

  • @oren is a NIGHT SHOWERER

Top Posts:Special Shoutouts:

@birdfour because i like birds

thats all thanks

sometimes I wish I lived in another country so I could make fun of america

Alright, I’ll do it. Welcome back: Daily News!

Daily News focuses on the community of wasteof.money and the popularization of people, or posts, that are left unnoticed.

Daily News will post stories based on events that happened each day. If a day wasn’t quite exciting enough, we will leave its events for the update at the end of the week.

Speaking of which, the Sunday Post will start THIS SUNDAY, including the following:

  • “This Week’s News” A rundown of the most important stories of the week

  • Other: A potential section beyond the week’s news to expand on other events.

  • “Top Posts”: A collection of my personal favorite posts that deserve recognition.

  • “Special Shoutouts”: A quick list of some people I’d like to shoutout. Usually, I’ll include a quick snippet on them with their profile as well.

  • Each Sunday Post will be a repost of another post that I decide should be the toppest of posts.

I have not been here the majority of this week. Please give me some stories to circulate on The Sunday Post via my wall. Thank you.

The best way to circulate our stories is to repost them as a public reply, that way we can get to the most amount of people possible. I hope to grow this page’s following, that way I can circulate others better.

Thank you for your support in this endeavor.

How would you feel if the news came back?

If I get enough traction on this post, I’ll try to start it back up again.

Mar 17, 2023, 3:52 PM
9 0 4

I want war on all of your posts… at least the ones that try to do my job.


IRL News:

@elon-musk bought Twitter for $44B. He bought each share for around $54.20. He now is the owner of Twitter. He originally bought around 9.2% of Twitters shares, without telling anyone, so he could get shares for cheaper. People didn’t like that.


@apple Apple launches a self-service repair program for iPhone users in the US. People can now actually fix their phones without paying as much to do it.


wasteof3 news:

@jeffalo released the private beta that was invite-only. You get an admin message that says this:

The wasteof.money v3 beta is out! Please keep in mind that I had to practically rewrite the entire site, so various features are missing.

The beta uses the same database as the production site, you can use both simultaneously. You probably will want to use both simultaneously, because the beta is still missing some important features.

Cool posts:

@ee I think likes The Bee Movie… and put it on a whole post in the wo3 beta, since it has no char limit. https://wasteof.money/posts/626aa46a93eee3f71db5bc5f

@daily_news wants war because of one of my posts. War is bad. War shouldn’t happen. https://wasteof.money/posts/626aef46694e50b7f41ce027

Have a good day!

this post is from wasteof3 beta






Apr 29, 2022, 12:51 PM
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