
news that isn't biased (also real life news sometimes)

Welcome to @non-biased-news

I’ll basically just post random news in life, that isn’t biased or anything.

Please don’t spam it with random users.

(Or make inappropriate names, please!!!)

All tokens/passwords are now encrypted on Sparklabs!

That means that I had to wipe the DB, so please remake your account!

As before, first 10 people to join get verified!

Sorry about the static links for now, I need to learn my templating engine to make it better.



Oct 18, 2022, 5:20 PM
3 1 45
Oct 18, 2022, 7:41 PM
2 0 0

All tokens/passwords are now encrypted on Sparklabs!

That means that I had to wipe the DB, so please remake your account!

As before, first 10 people to join get verified!

Sorry about the static links for now, I need to learn my templating engine to make it better.



Oct 18, 2022, 5:20 PM
3 1 45
It's halfway through the month - so that means that wasteof bot jam #1 is halfway over. The only person I know of that has entered it is @frostzzone. Do you want 50,000 WomBucks or is no one going to get it?
Do you think everyone could follow @radi8 as I switch over to that one? Not begging, just kindly asking. And yes, I am pretty sure the NBO shall now die. Really over 4-5 months we haven't done anything besides make a bad website ---> nonbiasedorganization.github.io
So - here's the thing. I don't really have much motivation or anything pushing me to work on the NBO/NBN much. I am a 13 year old kid and have a long life ahead of me. I want to do something besides make news. I want to be a devloper. Want to have more IRL friends… I can't always use my computer, so that limits a lot of what I can do - I can't post images much, I am always late on the news, I and there is not really much point to the NBO. We don't really do much, and I do not want this to turn out what my life is. @polaris does a great job at this (a lot better if I'm being honest) and is an actual org instead of us - some 13yo kid that just wants to have some followers on here. I can admit that I kinda got caught up in the whole "getting addicted to social media" thing. The first thing I do in the morning is getting up and checking wasteof. I want to get away from technology & social media and work on SparkLab; something actually benificial to society. I am thinking about disbanding the NBO and just making this into my personal account. I will need to do some thinking - and I need your opinion as well.. I can say that I am not leaving wasteof. I have made a lot of friends and met some really cool people. I don't want to go away from that. Thanks for listening to me ramble on and on about this. But just let me say- it was.hard writing this post. :( The NBO just stresses me out a bit.
Minecraft Live 2022 is today! It will be talking about Minecraft 1.20. The mob vote is as well open. You can vote at minecraft.net.

Login via a UI for SparkLabs (In Progress):


The new docs https://sparklabs.amorogos.repl.co/api/docs

Join page soon.

Oct 13, 2022, 9:04 PM
4 0 0

I need help.

So I am cd’ing to buildstuff and src then doing npm run build

It is a Python repl, but I need to use npm/node

Svelte code:

	let name = 'world';

<h1>Hello {name}!</h1>

Does anyone know how to help? I see no errors in the code.. so I am curious why it does not work.

Oct 13, 2022, 6:53 PM
3 0 18

You can go to https://sparklabs.amorogos.repl.co/api/accounts/login?username=yourusername&password=yourpassword (replace yourusername and yourpassword with your creds). Then go to https://sparklabs.amorogos.repl.co/api/accounts/whoami to see what your username is. Don’t try via the docs because it can’t set cookies.

VirtualBox 7.0 is here! The first major release in four years has brought new stuff. This includes: Mac ARM support, full VM encryption (on via CLI for now, GUI comes later), easier to use new OSs like Win11 with TPM 2.0 support and secure boot, and more! You can download it at virtualbox.org.

I can also unadminify them and unverify them.

I made admin tools, I can make people an admin and verified 😎🆒

The first 10 people to sign up get verified!

Oct 11, 2022, 6:02 PM
5 1 16

I made admin tools, I can make people an admin and verified 😎🆒

The first 10 people to sign up get verified!

Oct 11, 2022, 6:02 PM
5 1 16