
welcome to limbo

wasteof.money was crawled and compiled into a dataset of ~1000 profiles with posts and comments for statistical purposes.

Feb 17, 2023, 6:34 PM
9 2 7

n u l l c o r e

All these site arguments about transgender people and homosexuality are pointless this is literally wasteof.money

Average Post Metrics:

Average Loves Per Post:    3.2844079 
Average Comments Per Post: 1.95528336 
Average Reposts Per Post:  0.207097613

Average User Metrics:

Average Posts Per User:    23.6029703

notes: Average loves per post, comments per post, and posts per user figures were higher than i personally expected. There could possibly be slim bias in the dataset on these specific figures due to how crawling is perforemd, though that’s just 1 AM intuition so take that claim with a grain of salt.

wasteof.money was crawled and compiled into a dataset of ~1000 profiles with posts and comments for statistical purposes.

Feb 17, 2023, 6:34 PM
9 2 7
Feb 18, 2023, 9:39 AM
7 1 2

Most Frequently Occuring Words on wasteof.money: Word; Percentage of Total Words

notes: @the isnt right this time. “i” is the most frequently occuring word in wasteof.money. “the” trails closely behind.

wasteof.money was crawled and compiled into a dataset of ~1000 profiles with posts and comments for statistical purposes.

Feb 17, 2023, 6:34 PM
9 2 7

wasteof.money was crawled and compiled into a dataset of ~1000 profiles with posts and comments for statistical purposes.

Feb 17, 2023, 6:34 PM
9 2 7

they call me annoying but i'd rather be called Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read properties of null

@oren stop starting flame wars

how’s the wastage of money going

it’s called investing

null makes a comeback

Sep 12, 2022, 5:52 PM
15 2 2

Accounts I own: @0, @the

Accounts I formerly owned: @nil

wow ok so i just created @nil, logged out and immediately forgot the password

im an idiot