pakalu_papito's avatar


life is soup, i am fork

that awkward moment between birth and death

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My bf cubey is banned from the discord server……….. he should be unbanned

Only true 🐐s remember this acc

im naturally funny because my life is a joke

i dont argue i just explain why I’m right

could u imagine being a giraffe and having to throw up

person: I like your name

me: thanks, I got it for my birthday

with great power comes great electricity bill

i was on a diet for a month and all i lost was 30 days

itunes has got it all wrong the hottest single of the year is me

no money november is going very well

i need a room full of mirrors so i can be surrounded by losers

i hate when i lose things as school like my pencils and papers, camel, and life ambitions

list of things im handling well currently


i get ignored so much

my name should be terms and conditions

my goal in life is to get one

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