
Male Animator/Game Dev/Musician who can't animate, code or play any instruments... but that won't stop me

2024 First-Annual TBG Forums Game Jam

The first ever game jam (i think) on the TBG Forums. (Link at bottom)

I know… a rhythm game (he wrote, misspelling rhythm (and then misspelling misspelling)

I’ll start posting songs on youtube to share them now.

(Link to Game Jam: https://tbgforums.com/forums/index.php?topic=6683 )

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okie dokie


no I think I’ll make this post the most reposted post instead

Get this man his reposts back

Repost the OP

The famous post “I shat myself in my maths exam” has been deleted

Heartbreaking. Gone but not forgotten - its memory lives on

May 16, 2024, 9:41 AM
5 2 0

Florida Kat Experiences High Temperatures And Posts About It On WasteOf

Today we are expecting a high of a whopping 97 Fahrenheit here!

It’s abnormally hot here in South Florida… 🥵

At work today, some wankers came in and stole delivery orders, this occured twice

Guess whos back From holiday Shady's Weegie's back Dont tell your friends as they may be weirded out because your telling them about some random ass aussie kid coming home from holiday and reciting eminem songs from 20 years ago

Dunno just wanted to post on my phone

2024 First-Annual TBG Forums Game Jam

The first ever game jam (i think) on the TBG Forums. (Link at bottom)

I know… a rhythm game (he wrote, misspelling rhythm (and then misspelling misspelling)

I’ll start posting songs on youtube to share them now.

(Link to Game Jam: https://tbgforums.com/forums/index.php?topic=6683 )

To all TBGer’s

I have an idea, let’s start an rp. But, it has no rules. We all start halfway through the game and confuse anyone seeing it. We all pretend we know what we are doing because we read this. Anyone interested?

ME HIding it:


Quote from my past self

Fine I'll hide a message in the post

Uh @luigispizza

Can I use your idea of what to hide

Kindly let me use it I can't think of anything

Can I swear here and make sexual jokes? I mean the rules don’t touch the subject…

Feb 22, 2024, 11:38 PM
4 1 1

Anyone wanna help with some voice acting, hit me up on discord at phantomluigi

Script Idea:

Joe: Ok, so,... new... girl

new girl: Melissa

Joe: Yep, so new girl, this is your first time on the front counter... let's start with some emergency training... So what do we do in the instance of a robbery...?

New Girl: um... do exactly as they say... (nervous)

Joe: Good! You won't die too soon!

New Girl: gulp

Joe: No need to be nervous, I've worked here for ages and I've never seen a robbery!

someone bursts in with a gun

Robber: Everyone get the fuck on the ground!

Joe: Oh shit... I'll handle this!

Robber: Give me all the money from the register!

Joe: No! Fuck yourself!

Robber: shoots Joe in the face

Joe falls to the ground and new girl approaches him screaming and crying

Joe takes off fake bullet wound and gets up...

Joe: Okay do you see what I did wrong there? That's what happens when you don't do as they say. Thanks for the help garry, you can go back to work now.

Garry: No problem.

Making Pivot difficult

Can I swear here and make sexual jokes? I mean the rules don’t touch the subject…

Feb 22, 2024, 11:38 PM
4 1 1
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