qwertyxbutnot's avatar


Ask me about Neil Cicierega (and prepare yourself for a wall of text)!

Hello! I will bite you! /lh

Hi again! :D

Please use tone indicators! I’m bad enough reading people in person. Thanks! <3

They/them, gay creature :P


  • Minecraft

  • Lemon Demon/Neil Cicierega

  • Screwing with AI

Say hi to me? Please I love pings.

  • Discord: Qwertyx#1519

  • Scratch: qwertyxbutnot

  • Tw*tter: QwertyxButNot

Mar 7, 2023, 4:11 PM
1 0 0


I wrote an essay in half an hour somehow

What is a Sname.

What is a sname.

What in the homoerotic acid trip is the Thunder music video

Mmm linty candy corn


I have a large penis

- my friend (who is probably lying)

So true

Cellular respiration am I right?

I got to see Ghost live AAAAAAAAAAAH

Twas incredible, I got a hoodie

I want the guy’s aftershow/encore jacket that said fuck you on it


I’m alive

Y’all ever have your history teacher play Lucy in the Sky With Diamonds in class

Daily reminder that you are loved 💖

The feeling when you’re not fully out and someone asks if you’re supposed to be in that particular gender’s bathroom

Why is the Damn Skippy commentary so fucked up?

The song is playing in one ear and Neil is talking in the other 😭


Poor hydroelectric viking, he didn’t deserve to die 🥺

Is that. A piece of my gum. Or part of a tooth???

Neil Cigarretti Spaghetti