
ratio (she/her)

Leaving wasteof.money

I have been on this site for 2 years, and it has been a lot of fun with a lot of memories I will never forget at all, but I am no longer interested in using wasteof anymore. Wasteof has changed to the point where it's no longer the same anymore, and it has shown to change a bit for the worse with people joining and making low effort posts with at this point is just spam and really this site is just not that engaging anymore and I think it's just best for me to leave the site. Love yall -ratio




The score I get on my tests that I think are good: 100%

The score my mom expects me to get: 101%

sorry for now being inactive alot on this site i’ve been busy doing school work

i wonder if the FBI is on wasteof

nikocado avocado said he will quit youtube but one day later he’s back

this is the last meme i have. this is meme 99 and i want to do something for the 100th meme. so i want you guys to POST YOUR MEMES and im going to do something special. (this idea was like a last min thing lmao)

2 month down 3 more to go

1 month down 4 more to go

Now try to survive 5 more months :3

i survived one day here let’s go #ratio

board in my house with daily

ratio is still board in school

the muck post i made has 69 comments right now lmao

how to escape school

i do ratio things lmao

1 month down 4 more to go

Now try to survive 5 more months :3

i survived one day here let’s go #ratio

So if you don’t know im daily_memes brother and well I heard about what daily did and I want to point out that all the truth about daily. The user ! lsx cupid is telling people lies on the day that it happened daily’s discord account was hacked by ! lsx cupid. When asking ! lsx cupid if this was true or not he kept on saying it’s not true and daily was making this up but there was proof I found that showed daily is innocent… his email. When ! lsx cupid was login into’s daily’s discord account there was no email showing that a attempt to login in to discord from a different place was showed showing that ! lsx cupid got daily’s IP address. And when ! lsx cupid had control of daily’s account me, daily, and other family members was out having a new year’s party and daily did not know what happened till we got back home at around 2 am. When daily saw everything that ! lsx cupid did to his account he quickly tried to delete everything that ! lsx cupid did blocking both ! lsx cupid and ! lsx cupid other account and well daily was mad about what ! lsx cupid did. Also i like to point out that daily never choose to bully other kids he is a person who has ADHD and has some trouble trying to keep his emotions together and trying not to hurt anyone. When people are bullying him he sometimes he can’t hold all the anger in so he has to let it all out to calm him down. he never want’s to fight at all. I hope this is proof that daily is innocent. @lolzify @retronbv

Jan 3, 2022, 6:20 PM
10 0 5

yo i forgot to say happy new years