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scratch wiki
welcome to fact-smack with rayne cloudy
this is FALSE i did not do that
i hope the scratch team reads my appeal and takes into account that intention shows a truer form of character than actions. did i mean to break the guidelines? no. do i want to uphold scratch’s core values? yes. i had no idea i could be banned for something like “i love my girlfriend“ ....
so i’m not sure what to do.... i don’t go by “hayley” anymore and i don’t use she/they pronouns. but i’m banned so i can’t change my bio. what do i dooooo
can someone be so kind as to tell this fella i’m banned
i still can’t believe i’m banned on scratch.... i spent six years on that platform and it all just ended so abruptly.
wow guys how'd you guess i’m still sour about being banned on scratch for “she's my girlfriend”
if i knew my girlfriend in real life would scratch still have banned me?
the people saluting in my comment section is actually kinda awesome