
Glory to God. Glory to the Motherland.

i think its my new favorite lunch now

my mom just made some some Xолодец for the first time in a while (ive never tried it because I used to think the gelatin is fat) and its so unusual but good lol, like its cold gelatin, with some tender meat, and mustard. Apparently extremely healthy tho

this should not be a hot take

Hot take: Adverts that advocate for obesity is fine in any way should be banned immediately.

There are no good causes from being obese.

somehow there was a big argument in which i was not involved nor did i hear about

Today was pretty chaotic and argumentative on wasteof, and while yes, there are many people I hold a thinly veiled STRONG dislike for. It’s important to remember, most of the people on here are minors, who even if they are dickheads don’t deserve to be harassed. I’m not saying anyone had yet, but it’s a slippery slope and we need to remember that there are other people, likely teenagers behind the accounts that we don’t like very much. I know people are annoying and assholes sometimes, but please all I ask is for us to stay at least somewhat civil and try to have somewhat respectful arguments. Love u guys!!! <3

>don’t care what they think. if they keep talking about you you are relevant.

>cut connections



you can be better than them all. and they dont need to know you are

Sep 20, 2023, 1:25 AM
3 0 0

eight year olds were born in 2015 what

me when I realize my great grandfather didn’t drive a tank to Berlin just for me to buy Discord Nitro

Everyone give me 3 songs and I will make a wasteof playlist on spotify

spotify ads are jhsjfniwjfnwjnfwiefjnwijefniwejnfwin

i have an unhealthy addiction to Morgenstern

ubercat overdrive

my friend said he has also been getting a lot more

has anyone else noticed an increase in US army ads on Youtube? I get 3-4 a day where as two weeks ago i would only get one every month, havent watched any military videos either in the last couple days.

hor hor hor hor hor hor hor hor hor hor