scriptegycss: better than tailwind


That’s my contact name associated with your email

it’s a more accurate name tbh

wow, you’re so good at puns, wow, 10/10.


Fun fact: there’s actually a tiny gap in between the circles in your PFP.

Fun fact: shut up. Also, no, you’re wrong.

Are you telling me it shows up as one pixel on your screen?

There’s no gap in our logo.

There is always a gap between the pixels.

Yes, your monitor has tiny gaps between the pixels, you’re s o smart.

your pfp is a bunch of balls (real)

Has anyone signed you up for stuff recently?

actually no some bastard just sent us hentai

I wonder who . . .

Check your inbox

I have some private thoughts to share with you.

Gonna add scryptegy auth to bundle

What? Could you restate that with proper grammar. Even with our best guess “gonna add scriptegy with to bundle”, that doesn’t make too much sense. The bundle on sign in options on a site?

Dope. Also, if projects ever need to save things, we are planning to eventually launch spaces, which is like our google drive.

good luck getting a server big enough i can help, i have an 8 GB server if you'd like

Thanks. We actually don’t have a hosting service yet, we just use repl for development. Also, does Bundle hash passwords?

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What does your business do

Besides dislike codelikecraze

@ee @zu We make cool stuff and make money doing it. Basically, we iterate through tons of concepts, and ones that stand out as good for society, or fun for people, or profitable get finished. Hope that clears that up!

Oh thanks

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