
Can't fight the seether.
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Posts will be clean.

Please repost this to go for decades without food or water, to survive direct exposure to dangerous radiations.

I pre-ordered the autographed CD for the upcoming Seether album!!

Sorry for the inactivity oops.

Anyways, I switched from ChromeOS to MX Linux :3

I love how Celeste manages to put estrogen in the world.

No no, he has a point.

Does anyone actually use /chat

Learning E2EE rn :3

@earthdevs Please fix the bug where I get dementia Please fix the bug where I get dementia Please fix the bug where I get dementia Please fix the bug where I get dementia Please fix the bug where I get dementia Please fix the bug where I get dementia Please fix the bug where I get dementia Please fix the bug where I get dementia Please fix the bug where I get dementia Please fix the bug where I get dementia Please fix the bug where I get dementia

My new shitty idea for having an iframe interact with the TurboWarp project that should work in theory;

Let’s say you click a button, upon clicking, the button will then change the innerHTML of an invisible element on the top of the webpage.

The TurboWarp project will then detect a change in the iframe URL and check what the content of the inner element is, and do an action accordingly.

Edit: Nope.. Pretty sure it just returns the src attribute, which is static.

Jun 27, 2024, 10:01 PM
2 0 2

Also I’m gonna be honest, light mode is almost always better on any site.

Currently trying to find a way to get an embedded iframe in TurboWarp to be able to interact with the project.

Any ideas? Clipboard did not work and someone recommended using WebSockets which I’ve not tried yet.

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