
Wicked what of the huh?

Hello! I am a human being on this platform. I make stuff sometimes.

website: https://steve0greatness.nekoweb.org

@jeffalo, verify me, I think that I can prove who I claim to be, and am.

Mar 12, 2022, 4:39 PM
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I’ve just been scrolling through YouTube for like an hour or so… I think I have a problem.

I really like MDN’s new look, plus, it has a dark mode!

You think your world is hard, try writing a FizzBuzz Program in C, but you have to make it easy to add on to(not just if statements).

The only reason to use Firefox mobile is to load Replit. There is no other reason in the world to use it, not one. It has no extensions or devtools, and the closest thing to themes it has is light and dark mode(those are themes, dumb self). It also has a little “x” at the end of every tab, do you know what it does? Close the tab(it does now)? No, it does literally nothing*. Another thing that’s dumb is that it acts like Safari, it doesn’t even recognize “-moz-“ in CSS. In summary, Firefox iOS is dumb, and stupid, and you should only download it for Replit.

Edit: it’s improved, I’ll add a “*” to the one thing that’s changed

Jan 16, 2022, 9:07 PM
0 0 3

You know, I was going to post something here, but I forgot what…

You know, I was going to post something here, but I forgot what…

Am I the only one who looked at their Gamejolt,which I haven’t looked at in months, and realized that I used to like Among Us.

You know, a game can go from being the biggest thing on the planet to something dunked on and considered stupid by fans, over the course of only a few months.

Am I the only one who forgot this existed?


I’m a social vegan. I avoid meet.

In my secret lives project, you can now link to a funny image and caption you got! Here’s an example:


here’s a useless fact:

The nearest date that counts up from 1 is January 23rd, 4567(1/23/4567), and the only date that counts from 1-9 is January 23rd, 456789(1/23/456789). Mark your calendars.

When CubeUpload gets an API, I hope that it gives the option to only show 40 images, that would be nice.

I figured out how to use localhost today! Pretty cool.
