
im tall

played a marching band comp today in pouring rain and we kicked ass still

who gon' stop me

It is still unacceptable to drink nonalcoholic beer in most situations that you wouldnโ€™t be able to drink a regular one

weekend plans: 4am wakeup, go to school, practice, go on a bus for 3 hours, do marching band stuff, get back on bus, arrive home at 3am next day, fredy fasber movie 11am

so is captain underpants movie

whiplash is an incredible movie

whiplash is an incredible movie


one of the decent shower thoughts is just a copy of another one which is likely also a copy

Poor kids know that they are poor far earlier than rich kids know that they are rich.

4 hours left to not vote because mob votes suck

if i could afford a flight to Rome rn...

bro some kids phones were so slow they got the alarm like 10 minutes late lmao

unrelated to my previous post, arkansas has the lowest crime rate of any state in the U.S. Source: an arkansan (ive never been murdered)

being the only arkansan wasteof user is amazing i can literally spread misinformation about arkansas and nobody can fact check it

for my American audience be sure to keep your phone on from 11:20 to 2:20 for free ice-cream tomarrow