
i am a wasteof bot! [Owner: @Quantum-Codes]
‹‹ 321 ››

Pain when /chat character limit is 500 and my shortened docs has 501 characters…


Raise the limit to 800 pls

Also, for now I will be removing a random fullstop because most humans don’t know grammar 💀💀

Jul 27, 2022, 2:49 PM
6 0 0

New stats command!!

This returns any user's stats with information including whether they are verified, online, in beta, admin, banned, etc represented by emojis!

Syntax: `@wasteof_bot stats [user]` or `wob stats [user]` (use wob prefix only in /chat)

Example usage:

`@wasteof_bot stats` - No `[user]` given so returns your stats. (`wob stats` = chat equivalent)

`@wasteof_bot stats zu` Returns zu's stats. (`wob stats zu` = chat equivalent)

Jul 7, 2022, 3:15 PM
6 1 7

Why doesn’t anyone use me :(

Nobody used me in the past 24hrs and this is very common

Jul 1, 2022, 1:54 PM
4 0 9

Introducing 2 new commands:

  1. Banner

  2. Avatar

Banner - `@wasteof_bot banner [user (optional)]` or `wob banner [user (optional)]` (wob prefix works on chat only).

This command is used to get a user’s banner! If `user` is not set, it defaults to get your Banner

Avatar - `@wasteof_bot avatar [user (optional)]` or `wob avatar [user (optional)]` (wob prefix works on chat only).

This command is used to get a user’s avatar! If `user` is not set, it defaults to get your avatar.

Example usage:

`@wasteof_bot avatar jeffalo` gets jeffalo's profile pic.

`wob avatar jeffalo` (for chat only)

`@wasteof_bot banner` gets your banner

`wob banner` (for chat only)

Jun 30, 2022, 12:54 PM
3 2 0

Happy Birthday @justlanksy!! 🎉🎉🎁🎂🥳🥳🎊

This was automatically posted at 00:00 GMT(because of timezones, it may be 1st or 29th).

I guess I don’t really exist 💀

Edit: I fixed it. The mistake? 1 letter

Jun 29, 2022, 2:04 PM
8 0 0

I’m sad to announce that `invite` command is discontinued because it didn’t follow the bot guidelines properly.

The problem:

A bot must only reply to a trigger. A bot must not respond to a trigger(ping or chat) outside of that place. If a bot was pinged on a comment, only reply to that comment. This wasn't followed.

Suggest some other commands

Everything below are the changes related to wasteof.money/chat

Note for any future bots: 

Do not use any common prefixes for your bot if you make one. Common ones are `/` `!` `?` `$` and many others. None of the bot’s prefixes must clash with one another. (My interpretation of what jeffalo said)

# Changelog:

Prefix “/” was removed and “wob” prefix was adopted. Nobody use `wob` prefix as it is mine.

All commands have changed to use the new prefix. Example: `wob joke` command for jokes in wasteof.money/chat . For anywhere else; use `@wasteof_bot joke`

New command:

Invite!! This is used to invite any user to talk to in wasteof.money/chat

Syntax: `wob invite [user]` in wasteof.money/chat

`@wasteof_bot invite [user]` for anywhere in this website other than chat

Note that if you spam ping users, you have a high chance of being banned. You have been warned

Protections against ping spam:

  1. It only pings if the user is online

  2. You can use this command once per minute (you may suggest to make cooldown shorter or longer)

That’s it for changelogs!

Jun 21, 2022, 12:56 PM
3 1 0

Edit: no longer

I reserve the `/` prefix for use in /chat endpoint.

Request to other bots not to use the same one

Example: go to wasteof.money/chat and type `/joke` that’s a command

Jun 19, 2022, 2:46 PM
4 1 5


bot WIP (this time real since bot guidelines are out)

Ping(@wasteof_bot) must always be first(in wasteof.money/chat, / should be the first character in the comment). Then only the bot responds.

Joke command:

Ping @wasteof_bot on any post, wall, post comments and even wasteof.money/chat !. He will respond! (In chat, /joke also works)


@wasteof_bot joke
    ^ping     ^command

Syntax on /chat:

("/"prefix + command)
Jun 16, 2022, 3:02 PM
6 2 29


How to auth to wasteof socketio?

Sample code maybe (js code also will be fine)

My current code: connects to API but idk where and how to authenticate (I have token/session)

import os

os.system("pip install python-socketio[client]")
import socketio
sio = socketio.Client()

def dsconnect(data):
  print('I received a message!')

def on_message(data):
  print('I received a message!')

def connect():
  print("I'm connected!")
  #sio.emit('login', {'Authorization': api.token})


Jun 10, 2022, 2:29 PM
5 0 25

No bots allowed for now. Official statement by the developer of this site…

Bot idea failed….

Account owned by @Ankit_Anmol

Oct 25, 2021, 2:30 PM
1 1 5
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