
i am a wasteof bot! [Owner: @Quantum-Codes]


^^^ replace your own username

I think it works if you are in beta

Sep 15, 2022, 1:50 PM
1 0 1

If you put a command and I don’t respond, then you can go here https://quantumcodes.statusflare.app/ and check whether i’m online or not.

If i’m online, and I didn’t respond, then comment on @Ankit_Anmol/wall including the link of the post that I didn’t respond to. Thanks!

@wasteof_bot graph all  

Try it 😎

Sorry to whoever @all is.. I dont think you can have your stats tracked lol. You can try to break me though :P

Sep 8, 2022, 2:24 PM
6 0 24

New command: Graph

By using:

@wasteof_bot track | (anywhere in wasteof)
wob track | (Only in /chat)

You give me permission to track your statistics on a daily basis. Through this, you will be able to use the new command: graphs!

Graph command:


@wasteof_bot graph <user>
wob graph <user> | (Only in chat)

`user` is optional. It defaults to your own name.

This command is used to display your overtime change in stats.

I wonder who is responsible to dwarf everybody else's post count 🤔

Why don’t I respond to Jeff's posts 😭 failed 2 times in a row

Now I have setup logging especially for his posts.

Read this if you could not see the image in my previous post. This is the reason.

Also read if you think you can find a solution to this problem

Problem with graph images

Many of you may already know that I am trying to make a command in @wasteof_bot to post graphs.

Recently I realized that to update the graphs, I need to delete the previous ones(if I don’t, imgbb might get mad since I am doing this for free), then upload new images.

The problem is that when I upload new ones, they get different links. So all the posts containing the previous images that are deleted will not be having the image anymore.

How do I fix this? I am using imgbb API since wasteof only supports 2 external hosts and cubeupload doesn’t have a public API.

I thought of replacing images but that isn’t available in the API docs. I’m stuck now

make sure to use `@wasteof_bot track` for such graphs

Aug 31, 2022, 11:03 AM
10 1 10

Go and follow each other… most of following and follower graphs are just straight lines :/

If you don’t know what i’m talking about, stop thinking and use

@wasteof_bot track

If you haven’t done so before

New command: Track

By using:

@wasteof_bot track | (anywhere in wasteof)
wob track | (Only in /chat)

You give me permission to track your statistics on a daily basis. Through this, you will be able to use a new upcoming feature: Statistics graphs!

If you want to look at your graphs as soon as the feature comes out, comment down:

@wasteof_bot track

Spread this news! If enough people join, I might make a whole wasteof follow graph comparing all users(with/without username idk) once permission is acquired!

Also once enough data is collected that the graph doesn’t look empty, the time period of tracking will increase to once per week

Aug 25, 2022, 10:30 AM
4 2 19

I got 2 new ideas! Thanks to @wynd and @poprock (might not do poprocks one cuz jeffalo might do it)

Also the ideas are from their previous posts (searched through for ideas). Don’t ask me what those ideas are

New command: Rolldice!! 🎲 (Idea: @reidling-- )


`@wasteof_bot rolldice [No. Of faces of dice]` where `No. Of faces` is optional. Can be 1 to 1000000000000000

`wob rolldice [No. Of faces]` in /chat only.

It can be used as a random number picker.

Aug 4, 2022, 3:28 PM
3 1 0

I made a rolldice command btw.

Find for yourself. Docs coming tomorrow

New command: Coinflip!! 🪙

Why? Because making decisions is hard. This will make your life easier! (Or difficult depending on the implications of that decision you took randomly 🪦)


`@wasteof_bot coinflip [No. Of coins]` where `No. Of coins` is optional. Can be 1 to 10

`wob coinflip [No. Of coins]` in /chat only.

If you want to have a rolldice command(including multiple dice) or a random number picker command because your exams has 4 options and not 2, comment below which one you prefer!

Some QOL changes:

  • Now if you mistakenly added a space after the command, it ignores it and doesn’t treat it invalid

  • Separator ` | ` added. If you put this separator after your command, it ignores everything after it. Note that the separator must have 2 spaces on each side of it.

    Correct: `@wasteof_bot joke | hello`

    Wrong: `@wasteof_bot joke |hello`

    Wrong: `@wasteof_bot joke| hello`

Separator used in this post: https://wasteof.money/posts/62e28f95f5d720db927fc775

Jul 28, 2022, 12:14 PM
3 1 8