
the best chrome extension and you can't say otherwise

Not an official wasteof.money account. This account is not endorsed by jeffalo. (although he might like the project idk)

Apr 17, 2022, 12:53 AM
2 0 0

was just looking through the wom+ code and was concerned about how the extension didn’t do anything and the files got CORRUPTED

No, i’m not dead. I just have been going through some stuff that takes time away from being able to code wom+. If you want to help code and know javascript, just send me an email ([email protected]) and I will most likely pull you onto the team. So, that way if I don’t have time to code something, you guys could help me work on it. Please, I encourage you to come onto the team and help us make wasteof better.

P.S. it’s also a good thing jeffalo hasn’t released the public beta yet

P.P.S. watch me get jinxed and it get released tomorrow and we have to redo the entire extension to make it v3 compatible

This statement has changed. In fact, the website has been up and running and I forgot to tell you. Right now the extension you download on the page is useless. It just edits the HTML, no JavaScript.


I am working on the website right now and it’s coming together.

Just letting you know, the download link on the website does not work.

May 10, 2022, 11:14 PM
1 0 7

no updates yet, sorry

I am working on the website right now and it’s coming together.

Just letting you know, the download link on the website does not work.

amateur hour

(0.00g of carbon released for every visit)

My website (https://tgp.zya.me) generates 0.11g of CO2 every time someone visits it (according to websitecarbon.com), which is cleaner than 90% of the internet.

Apr 22, 2022, 9:08 PM
0 0 1

Update: by rebuilding the website, it is now up!

only thing is that it still looks identical to my main website

if you want to try it out, (for whatever reason because it’s just a copy of another website rn) go to https://wasteofmoneyplus.github.io/

Apr 22, 2022, 8:58 PM
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Hey guys! I am working on getting the wom+ website up. (https://wasteofmoneyplus.github.io/)

Now, don’t go to it yet, because you might see a 404 page or my main website (press-dev.github.io) appear.

You are going to yell at me for this….

I didn’t release it yesterday.

But I am in the process of releasing it right now and I will post when it’s ready to test!

Proof of concept wom2+ coming out tomorrow!

Going to work on css styling, settings, and more over the next month!

Proof of concept wom2+ coming out tomorrow!

Going to work on css styling, settings, and more over the next month!

Today marks the birth of Wasteof.money+.

I finally got the html to change with javascript.

Not an official wasteof.money account. This account is not endorsed by jeffalo. (although he might like the project idk)

Apr 17, 2022, 12:53 AM
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