Your balance is 10351.0 WomBucks.
Your balance is 10351.0 WomBucks.
Your balance is 10351.0 WomBucks.
Your balance is 10351.0 WomBucks.
Your balance is 10351.0 WomBucks.
Your balance is 10351.0 WomBucks.
Your balance is 10351.0 WomBucks.
Your balance is 10351.0 WomBucks.
Your balance is 10351.0 WomBucks.
Your balance is 10351.0 WomBucks.


$help: prints all commands

$join: makes an account

$bal: gets your current balance

$send [username] [ammount]: sends the requested user the requested ammount of WomBucks

$circulation: returns the ammount of WomBucks in circulation


$help: prints all commands

$join: makes an account

$bal: gets your current balance

$send [username] [ammount]: sends the requested user the requested ammount of WomBucks

$circulation: returns the ammount of WomBucks in circulation


$help: prints all commands

$join: makes an account

$bal: gets your current balance

$send [username] [ammount]: sends the requested user the requested ammount of WomBucks

$circulation: returns the ammount of WomBucks in circulation


$help: prints all commands

$join: makes an account

$bal: gets your current balance

$send [username] [ammount]: sends the requested user the requested ammount of WomBucks

$circulation: returns the ammount of WomBucks in circulation


$help: prints all commands

$join: makes an account

$bal: gets your current balance

$send [username] [ammount]: sends the requested user the requested ammount of WomBucks

$circulation: returns the ammount of WomBucks in circulation


$help: prints all commands

$join: makes an account

$bal: gets your current balance

$send [username] [ammount]: sends the requested user the requested ammount of WomBucks

$circulation: returns the ammount of WomBucks in circulation

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