Your balance is 150 wombucks

(This was written by a human)

Your balance is 150 WomBucks.

I can't send money help

You aren't signed up :(

That's just a lie

You aren't signed up :(

I’m sorry it’s still kinda broken, i’ll fix it later

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$send twyx 35

You are already signed up!

$send non-biased-news 69


$help: prints all commands

$join: makes an account

$bal: gets your current balance

$send [username] [ammount]: sends the requested user the requested ammount of WomBucks


$help: prints all commands

$join: makes an account

$bal: gets your current balance

$send [username] [ammount]: sends the requested user the requested ammount of WomBucks

Signed Up!
You don't have a WomBucks account!
Your balance is 150 WomBucks.

lol it did it once but said it about seven times

You aren't signed up :(
You aren't signed up :(
You are already signed up!
You are already signed up!

$admin give theawesome98 69

You aren't signed up :(
You aren't signed up :(

Sorry - it’s offline because I completly screwed up the code, it’ll be online in a few days ;-;

You aren't signed up :(
You aren't signed up :(
You aren't signed up :(
You aren't signed up :(
You aren't signed up :(
You aren't signed up :(
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