have you ever done a political compass test? i'm making a wasteof compass with a bunch of different wasteof users. (it's less controversial bc your score doesn't focus on any particular issues but is just an overall) but i think it's kind of interesting to see

https://www.politicalcompass.org/ btw

i can keep your dot unlabeled (anonymous) on the final graph or label it if you're fine with it.

yes i have, this was the last one i did (from march)

thank you!

do you want your username to be shown on the final graph?

i just realized you used a different test (sapplyvalues.github.io) which may distort your values a bit. i’ll be posting the final compass but if you have time, could you do the politicalcompass.org/test/ test please? thank you!!

sure, but i think this one is more innacurate so maybe put both there, im definitely authleft

thank you!! i’ll use this one as it’s the one everyone else used.

I posted the conclusion to the political compass project on wasteof! Thanks so much for participating!

i was asking people on discord but you don’t have it so…

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