whats a feature that you want to see on wasteof.money?


verify me and add images :nod:

are you the real zani

i think i am idk check mozzy's server

me being verified

no luck there unless you're the real filterbud 😳

I want to like comments bro

Report profiles because I have seen a lot of impersonation on this site.

for now, just report a post

parodies =/= impersonation

no you havent

there isn’t impersonation on wasteof

Do you really think that @pewdiepie is the real PewDiePie from youtube?

Did you really not see "(parody)" in their status?

See more replies

Yes, of course.

post id's that are numbered?

thats dangerous

i mean ...... i'd rather have numbers than looking at the md5 hash (aka someone smashed their head on a keyboard)

Can you please add views?

views are cringe

delete everything feature on posts

i smart

😀Emoji's like Discord

the twemoji thing is cringe

F4F (jk)

There already is @f4f


Maybe some more loading animations with CSS.

ooo good idea

custom buttons on profiles

(like the "my youtube channel" on @pewdiepie)

but that's what proves I'm a real bro!

I think that´s just a joke from jeffalo. Something like optional fields like email or location (like Github) will be good if jeffalo hasn´t got other plans with this site (e.g. for the accounts to be anonymous and unrelatable with your real identity)

Have too many lol:


Poggers (ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*.✧

Being able to upvote replies in posts

maybe we could have diffrent tabs, like on the explore page it gives you diffrent sections e.g news, gaming, movies etc

gaming, like among us?

add among us as a new feature

if you press up up down down left right left right return on the 404 screen make it play the among us sound

yes, I want to dm all my bros

What are DMs?

These will be hard to moderate

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