Let’s play a game of “Fortunately, Unfortunately“. Respond the previous post (the first comment below this post) by replying this post (not the previous post!)

I’ll start with: “I found this website.“


Unfortunately, Sonic the Hedgehog is at his front door

Fortunately, the database was wiped because wasteof3 has been discontinued, in favor of wasteof4.

Unfortunately, he hit enter on a prompt to wipe the database

Fortunately, he hit the numpad enter key instead, which does the exact same thing but in a different place

unfortunately, jeffalo has bad eyesight and misses the key

Fortunately, it’s usable enough for jefallo to hit the enter key

Unfortunately, it has cherry mx black switches

fortunately, he buys another keyboard.

Unfortunately, it doesn’t fit.

fortunately, he bought a new one

Unfortunately, jeffalo’s enter key breaks

Fortunately, the government was overthrown.

unfortunately, the government shuts down wasteof.money for using a .money domain

Fortunately, it was misdiagnosed and only sprained so jeffalo gets lots of lawsuit money and makes the website tge most popular in the world

Unfortunately, Jeffalo slips on a banana peel and breaks his pinkie finger, being unable to continue maintaining the site.

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