Let’s play a game of “Fortunately, Unfortunately“. Respond the previous post (the first comment below this post) by replying this post (not the previous post!)

I’ll start with: “I found this website.“


Unfortunately mrbeasts flight to Taiwan was canceled due to raining cheese

Fortunately, Mrbeast escaped to Taiwan

Unfortunately, there was a legal loophole

Fortunately, he is part of his family, so he can’t own wasteof.money anymore

Unfortunately, Mr Beast killed his entire family

Fortunately, he asked MrBeast to give him money.

unfortunately, he doesn’t hear mr beast, because the lava blocks the sound for some reason

Fortunately, mr beast comes and tells him the pit won’t ever kill him

Unfortunately, he’s scared.

Fortunately, the giant pit of lava won't ever kill him (but he doesn't know that)

unfortunately, changing them isn’t possible right now, due to the giant pit of lava that just spontaneously generated below him causing bigger problems right now

fortunately, he’s okay with changing them in exchange for the leftover money mrbeast gave

unfortunately, only zuckerberg himself can change them

Fortunately, they can be changed

Unfortunately, those are only measurements against piles of sugar (https://translate.google.com/?sl=de&tl=en&text=zuckerberg)

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