wasteof3 beta feedback so far:

  1. typewriter font looks cool but is grating on the eyes

  2. your chosen theme color should be shown in more places (https://wasteof.money/posts/626721b7506292d5685549c9)

  3. you should be able to choose a theme color for your profile, posts, etc (like one that is displayed to other users) and a theme color that’s just for you, that the rest of the site, except for other themed pages, changes to.

  4. profile customization is REALLY COOL. I love it! just a minor bit of feedback, the buttons are a bit cramped and hard to press

  5. PLEASE add back the close button to like the wysiwyg editor and edit viewer. I do a lot of wasteofing on my watch and I can’t close these dialogs without the button. and it’s pretty easy to add so why not

  6. sveltekit is SOO nice. I just love the app-like feel

  7. when you go to another users profile and then directly to your own, the edit profile button doesn’t show up

  8. pagination is kinda weird: when you have more than like 4 pages it shows 3 dots in between. if you click on the dots it will open a number input that lets you go to a certain page. personally i’d rather just have it show every page instead.

  9. spacing on the top bar on the right is a bit weird; the buttons aren’t equally spaced

  10. the numbers in the numbered list in this editor are overflowing the side

  11. This isn’t a bug but a feature request: i’d rather have more submit buttons like one for the dropdown of timeframes on the explore page, that way it works better on apple watch

  12. i’d also love open graph protocol support so when you send a post to someone it shows a little preview of that post. even better, when you send a link on wasteof.money it should show a preview of that too!

  13. i’d also like bolder, non-pastel colors for your theme color

  14. also it’d be really cool if comments had likes. they’re already stored with a similar schema to posts in the db so it wouldn’t be that hard but these aren’t really about the beta

  15. messages are weird, I accidentally marked as read 2 of my messages just by clicking on them. I’d rather have like checkboxes and a submit button like wasteof2. Or a really cool idea: what about a 2 column design and you can drag and drop messages from 1 side to another. that might not work on mobile but still would be really cool

  16. also saving to localstorage would be nice

that’s all I have rn, i’ll edit this post in the future


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