code for the current version of wasteof.replit. please feel free to steal (with credit)

// logo
console.log("                          __                   ___                         __  __  __   ")
console.log(" .--.--.--..---.-..-----.|  |_ .-----..-----..'  _|   .----..-----..-----.|  ||__||  |_ ")
console.log(" |  |  |  ||  _  ||__ --||   _||  -__||  _  ||   _|__ |   _||  -__||  _  ||  ||  ||   _|")
console.log(" |________||___._||_____||____||_____||_____||__| |__||__|  |_____||   __||__||__||____|")
console.log("                                                                   |__|                 ")
console.log("frontends? what are those?")
console.log("Type anything to begin.")
var ans = prompt("")
console.log("Let's login first.")
var ans = prompt("Type your username. ")
const user = ans
var ans = prompt("Type your password. ")
const pass = ans
console.log("Okay, now that you have logged in, you need to select an action.")
console.log("(if you see no errors, it worked!)")
console.log("1| post")
var ans = prompt("Type 1-10 ")
// login
const WasteOfSession = require("wasteof-client")
let wasteof = new WasteOfSession(user, pass)
if (ans == 1){
  var posttext = prompt("Post contents? (can be html or plain text) ")
  .then(async function() {
  await, null)
console.log("Done, check for errors. If there are any, you might have entered the wrong login credidentials. Rerun this repl to do another action.")

comments (single view)

one question about wasteof.client, is it possible to change profile pictures using it?

No, back when i made it I wasn't good at node so i avoided doing that

do you know any other client that can do that?

or any way i can code it in node?

I can maybe add it in, but you might want to code it yourself

Try this:

If you could make a PR to wasteof-client with that added in it would be greatly appreciated, but I’m gonna try and add it myself rn

but i know nothing about how wasteofclient works so we will see if you can add it in and if you can’t then i will try to make it

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