code for the current version of wasteof.replit. please feel free to steal (with credit)

// logo
console.log("                          __                   ___                         __  __  __   ")
console.log(" .--.--.--..---.-..-----.|  |_ .-----..-----..'  _|   .----..-----..-----.|  ||__||  |_ ")
console.log(" |  |  |  ||  _  ||__ --||   _||  -__||  _  ||   _|__ |   _||  -__||  _  ||  ||  ||   _|")
console.log(" |________||___._||_____||____||_____||_____||__| |__||__|  |_____||   __||__||__||____|")
console.log("                                                                   |__|                 ")
console.log("frontends? what are those?")
console.log("Type anything to begin.")
var ans = prompt("")
console.log("Let's login first.")
var ans = prompt("Type your username. ")
const user = ans
var ans = prompt("Type your password. ")
const pass = ans
console.log("Okay, now that you have logged in, you need to select an action.")
console.log("(if you see no errors, it worked!)")
console.log("1| post")
var ans = prompt("Type 1-10 ")
// login
const WasteOfSession = require("wasteof-client")
let wasteof = new WasteOfSession(user, pass)
if (ans == 1){
  var posttext = prompt("Post contents? (can be html or plain text) ")
  .then(async function() {
  await, null)
console.log("Done, check for errors. If there are any, you might have entered the wrong login credidentials. Rerun this repl to do another action.")

comments (single view)

No, back when i made it I wasn't good at node so i avoided doing that

do you know any other client that can do that?

or any way i can code it in node?

I can maybe add it in, but you might want to code it yourself

Try this:

If you could make a PR to wasteof-client with that added in it would be greatly appreciated, but I’m gonna try and add it myself rn

but i know nothing about how wasteofclient works so we will see if you can add it in and if you can’t then i will try to make it

I tried to add it in but found some more pressing bugs in the code so you probably shouldn’t use it for a while, while I fix it

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