i had a cool flashlight that you could aggressively press a button to charge it up and it broke and i lent it to my ex’s current girlfriend (this was while we were still friends) cause she said she could fix it and she never gave it back

May 30, 2022, 4:23 AM
1 0 13


Wait how old are you

17 almost 18, why? (how about you?)

I just wanted to know how you were old enough to have an ex (I'm 14 btw)

ohhh gotcha, cool :) a child /j

is ok it was only like $1 :)


how fortunate

(maybe you can get another one?)

have another one at my desk rn actually :D luckily unbroken (also speedy wuilly :0 )

wow so cool

i am fast

yes my speediest child

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