i hate windows 11 now

guess why


Because Microshaft made it

And what Zu said

no, microsoft makes ok stuff

but windows 11 is still trash

Because of the files

Because of the stupid big icon to open up start menu

Because tried to be chrome os

Because 11 is worse than 10

Because it broke your (thing that it broke)

because Microshaft made it

But Microsoft made windows 10 2 and he said nothing about hating that

Win10 is decent, GNU/Linux is better tho

TrashbookOS is just, trash besides the halfway decent new launcher

It is basically the Windows 11 Launcher, but on the left

You can enable it at chrome://flags/

Trashbook os can go jump off a microwave

Until they start actually having full support for windows / Linux / iOS applications not just half having support

TrashBook os isn’t honsetly an os, its just a glorified webbrowser/poorly made linux box

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all of that. (btw, i actually liked using windows 10 [before the whole cloud thing swooped in]) it’s just that my 2013 computer’s bios won’t play nice with win11.

however, i’m mainly a linux user, i was trying to create a win11 partition to play around and develop stuff with it. i’ll settle for win10.


My computer is from 2012 and the bios, processor, and some other stuff isn’t compatible with is