from what i understand this site is mainly used by programmers. so here’s a question: whats your favorite programming language, and why?

(i am bored and want to be more involved with this community)


who's hyped for bundle 3.0?

oh yea, no key for now. i will select some random beta testers soon

we’re currently developing some api endpoints


oh wait its not opposite day

favorite programming language is bundle 😎

Python. It is easy to learn and you can do a bunch of things with it

JavaScript. It works in the browser, and it works with things like Node.js and Deno, making it a full-stack programming kanguage for web devs, meaning it could be the backend kanguage AND the frontend language.

+1, also its so easy to understand and start with but it also lets you create incredibly complex things. Its like scratch: low floor, high ceiling