How many social medias can we name that don't have a bad moderation team or big moderation issues?

Excluding ones that are intended for adults or mostly contain adult content (orange and black website doesn’t count)

Oct 10, 2022, 2:28 AM
2 0 14


hacker news is the only one i can think of. i try to make wasteof moderation chill but it's pretty hard sometimes

I’m guessing having only 3 active mods is pretty hard

more mods ≠ more better

but having 3 mods can be an issue because there probably might be gaps

wasteof and maybe pintrest (idk I’ve never used it but it doesn’t seem like the type of site to have bad moderation).

Yeah, but I don't know enough about Pinterest to say for sure. I'll give it the benefit of the doubt for now. That means one.

Zero, because of de-verification

Also Facebook, snapchat, and instagram.

where evidence

instagram is “check out my

Ye but that’s not a moderation problem.

True, should’ve specified

Edit: replace terrible with 'bad' because I can't edit posts

I literally cannot think of any