the bit talk api takes up about 23 KB of data with the following files:

  • chat.json (unused - 196 bytes)

  • passwords.json (contains everyone’s hashed passwords - 3 KB)

  • defaultPfp.png (the default profile picture given to users - 96 bytes)

  • data.json and dataBackup.json (main database - 10 KB each, 20 KB total)

the server code takes up only 125 bytes btw


how does the code take up only 125 bytes??

that would mean that it’s only 125 characters long

takes up somewhere around that. may be more, may be less

plus its two files combined

ok but how does 125 characters run a server??

require('express')().get('/',(i,res)=>res.json(0)).listen(80) runs a server in 62.

i need to handle all the api requests too…

well yes but no